Learn and adopt the essential secrets of C-Level presentation

Executives across many organisations of differing size, geography, industry and sector are frequently frustrated that many internal staff and external people who come to present to the executive team have more credibility when they walk in the door than when they walk out.

The most common complaint is that many speakers do not understand the needs of the executive audience; they were not prepared for probing questions; and they were often not even clear on what it was they wanted the executives to believe, say or do as a result of the presentation.

If you work with, or present to, C-Level executives; or aspire to develop your career towards the C-Suite; or just want to be a really effective presenter, this is the perfect course. If you can present well to an executive audience, you can present well to any audience.

Why is there a need for this course?

As a senior executive accountable for driving improved business performance in large enterprises, Tony Mooney has worked with, and as a member of the C-Suite for nearly 30 years. During that time, he has given and received thousands of presentations in an Executive environment on a variety of topics and in a number of different geographies.

He has managed many thousands of staff of all disciplines, including many talented people with brilliant competencies in specialist subjects. Unfortunately, he found very few were strong enough at presenting and selling to senior figures in the top echelons of organisations (the ‘C-Suite’).

At the same time, available courses and online resources that purported to teach how to sell, how to be an effective speaker or how to create a fabulous PowerPoint presentation, were not tailored to the challenge of dealing with C-Level executives.

Faced with this, Tony distilled his own C-Level experiences, successes and failures into this programme, now available for the first time as an eLearning course.

Gain valuable insight into

the Executive Mindset

Better craft messages and approaches that cut through at C-level

Create better strategies and plans for getting what you want from C-level executives 

Learn how to behave

like an Executive

Deploy the critical success factors for executive dialogue and avoid the main pitfalls

Better manage the primary personas in the C-Suite by understanding their motivations and agendas 

Get vastly improved outcomes and

results from your presentations

Create presentations better tuned for the

Executive and more likely to be successful

Deliver more impactful and compelling executive-level presentations and communications

Why You Should Enrol on this Course

Tony Mooney, Course Instructor, explains why he developed this course and how it is uniquely tailored to the specific requirements of C-Level presentation and communication.

Explore the Course Content


Course rationale, overview and outcomes.

Section 1 – Understanding the C-Suite


The function of the C-Suite

In this opening lecture, we look at some of the more functional aspects of the executive World. We review what the purpose of the C-Suite is, what they should be worrying about, what they actually worry about and explore some of the differential factors across different organisation sizes, sectors and geographies.


Principal C-Level Actors, Organisation Structures and Operating Models

An exploration of the main C-Level Executive roles, what they tend to worry about and how the C-Suite can differ, dependent on organisation model.


Engaging with The Magic Circle 

In this lecture we examine some of things that you should be considering as you engage with C-level. We talk about the executive Magic Circle and then explore some general points that you will need to bear in mind as you prepare to deal with the executive mindset.


Behavioural dynamics, context and typical executive questions

In this lecture, we look at meeting dynamics, scheduling context and some of the more typical lines of executive questioning that you’ll need to be prepared for


Section 2 – Preparing the presentation


Secret 1: Do Your Research #1 – Sector, Trends and Finding a Problem Statement

In this module, we focus on contextual preparation; the work you must do before you even consider any presentation. Whatever subject you talk about, it is essential to gather background, trends, issues, data and intelligence that ensure that you have at least as good an understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing your intended audience as they do. 


Secret 1: Do Your Research #2 - Capability and Audience

In this lecture we talk about two other areas of research that it is useful to do: Understanding the current state of capability and understanding your potential audience. We outline what it is you need to know and how to find it out.

Secret 1: Part 3 - Creating a research template

In this short Module, we spend a few minutes sharing one of our Research Templates with you


Secret 1: Part 4 The Approach

Some thoughts and guidance on how you get time with the C-Suite.


Secret 2: Use a Presentation Planner #1 – Introduction to the planner

Here we will demonstrate and explain the second of the 12 essential secrets to success in executive presentation: Planning. We lead a quick run through of the Presentation Planner and looked at the some of the initial considerations. 


Secret 2: Use a Planner #2 - Planning the Presentation Meeting Configuration

In this module, we explore the pros and cons of the different configurations and the best one for C-Level communications. 


Secret No 3: Objectives & Purpose #1 – Understanding Objectives

In this Module, we continue filling in the first page of the Planner with a focus on the importance of being clear about objectives and purpose. We share some perspectives and advice on objective-setting and highlight some of the dangers if you confuse the different categories of aims, objectives, strategies and actions.  We then move on to discuss some of the subsequent impacts this has on your plan, particularly in terms of meeting scheduling, dynamics and timing.


Secret 3: Exercise: Objectives, Strategies and Actions

A short exercise to test whether you are getting the hang of determining the differences between objectives, strategies and actions.


Secret No 3: Objectives & Purpose #2 – Selecting the right objective

We talk about ensuring you set the right objectives for an executive audience. Whilst having no objective catastrophically compromises the effectiveness of any presentation, selecting inappropriate objectives for a C-Level presentation will completely undermine you.


Secret 4 - Creating a clear narrative

We demonstrate how the Presentation Planner helps you order your thoughts and construct your presentation as a story. A good majority of presentations lack a narrative structure. Too often, presentations look like what they are; a collection of slides thrown together; a jumble of facts; a blizzard of charts. The result is that, as a recipient, you work much harder to comprehend what you are being shown and told.


Presentation Planning: Reviewing a Real Example

In this Module we walk you through an example of a real Planner. Every presentation will be different, different audiences, topics, outcomes and so on but this gives you an example of how it is used.

Section 3 – Constructing the presentation


Secret 5 – Smart Formats 

Over two Modules, we cover some of the process of Presentation Construction and, in particular, the ‘dos’ and ’don’ts’ of formatting when you are using projected, printed or digital presentations to C-Suite. Some of the ‘normal’ rules you may have seen or read – or been taught - about presentation are the polar opposite of what works for executives. We show how to use smart formatting to drive and reinforce your key messages


Secret 6 – Bringing your story to life 

Over two modules, we explore how you bring your story to life in order to be an effective communicator to executives. There are a number of techniques for doing this:

• Relevant and insightful use of external data and facts

• Incorporating real-life, experiential examples to relate your narrative to the world executives will understand and, ideally gain an emotional engagement 

• Sharing compelling case studies can demonstrate the validity of your arguments

• Using illustrative benefits cases to demonstrate materiality and your focus on outcomes

How to use Appendices

A short module explaining what to put in an appendix to ensure your main narrative is uncluttered but you still have backup if important questions arise.

Section 3 – Delivering the presentation


Secret No 7: You are the Presentation – behave like an executive  

We turn our attention to the delivery of the presentation. In this Module, we talk about the importance of the attributes of the presenter on any presentation and, when delivering executive presentations, why you’ll be significantly more effective if you act like an executive. We explore how to adopt an executive mindset and how to develop your executive voice.

Secret No 7: You are the Presentation - General Tips on Presenting

Some general tips and advice about presentation delivery to help make you a better presenter.

Secret 8: Opening the Meeting - Part 1: Opening Statements

In this Module, we look at the key techniques for effectively opening your meeting or presentation. As successful opening gives you the best platform to deliver your presentation, even if you run into problems later. A poor opening means you will never recover.


Secret 8: Opening the Meeting - Part 2:'Tell Me About Yourself'

We look at how you develop impactful personal statements that help establish your credibility.

Secret 9: Engagement - #1 Connecting

In this module we look at what happens in the meeting itself. We look at various considerations, tips and techniques for maintaining engagement with your executive audience in the delivery of your presentation, including; the importance of developing the right pace of speech; of synchronising your talk track with your slideware; using graphical signposting to ensure the audience knows where you are in your narrative flow and the need for repetition, recap and reinforcement to help your audience better grasp the core messages in your presentation and stay with your argument as it is built.

Secret 9: Engagement - #2 Managing Questions and Interruptions

In this module we look at various considerations, tips and techniques you can do to better manage questions, interruptions and disputes. In the bear pit that is the Executive presentation meeting, how you manage their questions can make a significant difference to the credibility of you and your presentation.


Secret 10: Closing  

In this module we consider how you close your presentation. In the same way that you’re opening needs to be crisp compelling and memorable, you’re closing section must also have an impact. We consider a number of things to avoid. We look at the importance of signalling the end of your presentation, crafting a strong executive summary, finding a Memorable closing line and having an ‘ask’.


Lecture 24: Secret 11 – Rehearsing a Better Outcome  

One of most neglected elements of preparation is rehearsal. It’s such a common failing in presentations that go wrong. We explain what to rehearse and how to do it effectively.


Secret 12: Review and improve

If rehearsal is what you do before the presentation to make sure that you are sufficiently practised and deliver the best result, review is something that you do after the presentation. you should get into the habit reviewing performance whatever the outcome. And that’s what we look at in this module.


Bringing it all together to deliver an effective presentation that sells

A summary of the programme, with a few final reflections and next steps.  


Free Downloadable Resources

provided with this Course

Presentation Planner Template

Research Template

Assessment Template

Digital Course manual

Resources Pack with useful slide formats

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